Thursday, December 5, 2019

Editing Blog for music video

      My group and I have started  editing our music video. We were very excited to do this because the filming process went well and we wanted to see how each scene looked together.  So we started the Editing process on iMovie. We used this software on our commercial so we were very familiar with its technology.  We started the editing process, by picking which clips we wanted in the video and which we wanted to discard completely. This was an easy process because most of the clips we had we hand picked when we were filming. So we had to go through each clip and pick which ones we wanted for each scene. Throughout this process we looked back at codes and conventions of our music genre to check if our clips went against them or with them. Mostly our clips went with the conventions rather than against but we also added our own spin to it. Just like our last commercial.
      We then started to cut these clips.  We had to cut most of the clips short  to fit the time limit, but we also how to cut some parts of the clips that had extra unneeded footage. We also kept extra scenes we knew would be needed later in the project. This might’ve been the most difficult part of filming. This is because we had so many clips and we really wanted to use all of them but we had a maximum of 1 minute and 15 seconds. So in turn many clips had to be trimmed down or taken out completely. When we had all of our clips together it came to 1 minutes and 45 seconds and even thought that might not sound like a lot it was because we had a lot of creative desired shots. Once this was done we had to go through each clip and mute the audio. This was essential to the video because we didn’t want any background sound coming in the way of the music. We also had to trim the music down to the time limit and we had to pick where and when in the scenes the music would start.
       The next process we went through were the transitions. We wanted each transition to be clean and make sense. But as we went through the music video we decided to stay with the original transitions because they were clean and went with the vibe of the video. While editing we also found that we used a lot more complex shots this project than last commercial. We used more shots like POVs and fade ins. We were very happy about this because it showed our progression as students and film makers. We then decided on some creative and stylistic choices. We wanted the video to make sense and not be over the top because that’s the whole vibe of the song and many others in this genre. So while we did make some different choices when it came to editing like adding a freeze frame we still stuck with the songs initial vibe and mood. But overall we enjoyed the editing process and found ourselves very happy with the finished product!

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